Anyone watching Game 4 of the World Series last night saw this perfect description of a Yankees fan ripping the ball out of Mookie Betts's glove after a foul ball was hit right in front of them, the tilted hat and double chin were perfect, and the only thing really missing is the wife beater and chains around his neck while screaming "27 championships broooooo!!!". Now, I don't condone this, but I can say it was one of the funniest slo-mo videos I've ever seen!!! And knowing everyone is healthy and no one got hurt in the process, just know it's ok to laugh at the situation. Now the question....Did this Greaseball save the Yankees season?
Gimmicks can be fun Yankees fans!!!! You just have to embrace it, even if it only extends your season for 1 more game. You still have life, and some think it's because of this man right here. His name is Austin Capobianco (the only thing he's missing is a first name like Tony, Dom, or Giovanni), and he's getting his 15 min of fame, but I think as this series keeps going so will his fame. All over X (which I still call Twitter), everyone wants this guy for a 10-minute interview, and the Yankees said they would allow him back for game 5.
One guy did get to have a few words with this fan and it was an ESPN employee, apparently this was discussed before the game that "If it's our area, we're going to 'D' up" exactly how i expected a Yankees fan to respond. I truly feel like he belongs with the Bleacher Creatures but who am I? Another quote, "I know when I'm in the wrong and as soon as I did it, I was like, 'Boys I'm out of here,'" Capobianco told ESPN. "I patrol that wall and they know that."
Tonight the Yanks hope to keep the 2024 Baseball season going and force a trip to back LA.
This guy also did remind me of someone and if they ever made a movie about this i know who would play Capobianco